Sunday, August 13, 2017

Less is not more

It’s not about how little we can do. It’s not about how much we can get away with without having to face consequences. The world is far too often operated by people skirting various lines. And that’s not how it should be.

“I know that was a little passive-aggressive, but at least I wasn’t downright mean or anything.”

“I mean, she’s kind of my friend, but it’s not like I owe her anything.”

“Well, it’s not like anybody cares if I argue in the comment section.”

               “That wasn’t really racist.”

              “Well, cussing isn’t exactly a sin. It’s not that hurtful.”

              If you have to rationalize, compare, or question whether or not to do it, you probably shouldn’t.

I mean, shouldn’t we be trying to be the brightest, cleanest, kindest human beings we can? Shouldn’t we be giving each other the most love and help possible? It won’t do to compare notes on ‘what, exactly, constitutes as an inappropriate joke’. Is there a line? Yes, absolutely. But if you find yourself questioning whether or not your joke crosses it, it probably does.

              Don’t ask whether what you’re doing is crossing over into the land of wrongdoings. Ask if it’s the best you can give, or if you’d be proud of it later. Don’t ask whether it’s exactly wrong to say passive aggressive things to that poor cashier, ask if it’s the best you can do. Nobody cares whether arguing online is wrong or not, but we all know it’s not anybody’s finest moment. And sure, maybe road rage is satisfying, but are you ever proud of it later? Is that the best you can do? Is that all you have to offer the world? Odds are, it’s not.

              Why are we constantly questioning whether we have to do things for each other, instead of just doing them because it’s kind? Why can’t we shower love and joy on everyone, whether we owe it to them or not? Whether we even know them or not? Our life shouldn’t be about skirting around rules and questioning whether what we want to say is mean or just a little bit rude. Life isn’t about how much we get, it’s how much we give. And why question who deserves what we have to give? Give everything you have to everyone you see, even if (or especially if) they wouldn’t give you the time of day.

              As for my fellow Christians, our relationship with our Lord and Lover should not be about asking ourselves, “But is that really a mortal sin?” or “I mean, I don’t have to pray every day to be a good Christian, right?” It should be about cherishing every moment we have with Him. It should be about wanting Him so desperately and deeply that we can’t wait for a spare moment of prayer. It should be about always wanting to give Him our very best, about wanting to be our cleanest and purest for Him always and at all times. It shouldn’t be about whether or not He expressly forbid doing whatever that fishy thing you want to do is. It shouldn’t be about whether He requires exactly fifteen minutes of prayer each day. It should be a romance of stealing away to whisper to Him. It should be a quick, hidden glance of love and intimacy with Him in a roomful of people. It should be running away from a formal dance to search for the adoration chapel, and returning from your tryst with starry eyes and blushing cheeks! (cough cough somebody I know <3) Your relationship shouldn’t be you following His rules because He said to. It should be you desperate to follow the rules and give Him your best effort because you would hate to disappoint and hurt your Lover’s heart.

              Give everybody all the love and joy and kindness you can muster. Be the brightest person.